Scarlett Johansson sexy photos

Scarlett Johansson sexy photos

Scarlett Johansson sexy photos

Scarlett Johansson sexy photos.Johansson was born in New York City on November 22, 1984.Her father, Karsten Johansson, is a Danish architect who was the son of Ejner Johansson, a screen-writer and director. Her mother, Melanie Sloan, a producer, comes from an Ashkenazi Jewish family from the bronx.Johansson's parents met in Denmark, where her mother lived with Johansson's maternal grandmother, Dorothy, a former bookkeeper and schoolteacher.Johansson has an older sister,vanessa, who is an actress; an older brother, Adrian; a twin brother, Hunter and an older half-brother, Christian, from her father's first marriage.ETC

Shia LaBeouf photos

Shia LaBeouf photos

Shia LaBeouf photos

Christina Aguilera sexy photos

Christina Aguilera sexy photos

Christina Aguilera sexy photos

Christina Aguilera sexy photos.Christina Aguilera has had so many different looks and colors, it's hard to believe she still has hair (I've heard rumors that she struggles with traction alopecia , and that her whole Old Hollywood look came about when she realized the big curls were one of the only styles that would cover up the bald spots.

Kelly Osbourne vs Christina Aguilera

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celebbrity prablem

Kelly Osbourne battled a weight problem for years before shedding 48 lbs. during her 2009 stint on Dancing With the Stars, so you might think that the Ozzy's little girl would be sensitive to the weight issues of a fellow celebrity like Christina Aguilera. Well, think again!

The beef between these two ladies started years ago on the Osbourne's reality TV series when Kelly said she wanted to stab herself after listening to Aguilera's Christmas album. XTina fought back by claiming that Kelly had a crush on her and throwing darts at a picture of the Brit during the 2003 MTV Europe Awards. 

Kelly Osbourne pictures

Selena Gomez hot

Selena Gomez hot

Kelly Osbourne pictures.Kelly Osbourne arrives at the Montblanc Charity Cocktail Hosted By The Weinstein Company To Benefit UNICEF held at Soho House on California. on March 6, 2010 in Los Angeles, California....Luv luv luv what she's wearing,the corporate look, 12/10 Kelly!! thumbs up and waving! Its so chic

Selena Gomez hot pictures

Selena Gomez hot

Selena Gomez hot

Selena Gomez hot.Selena Gomez Hot Bikini Pictures for your Ipad, Mobile Phones, Ipod, Smart phone and Nokia Iphone4. Selena Gomez at Beach Images for Myspace, Hi5, Orkut, Friendater, Tagged, bebo, Piczo and Xanga. Hollywood Actress in Swimsuit Photos. Most Sexy Heroine Of hollywood Pics.

Chloe Moretz pictures

Chloe Moretz pictures

Chloe Moretz pictures

Chloe Moretz pictures.Chloe Moretz was born February 10, 1997 in Atlanta, Georgia, United States.She is an American Actress. She attends the 'Kick-Ass' Cast Meet and Greet in Hollywood (Apr 12, 2010) with Beautiful Drees. Chloe Moretz, Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Aaron Johnson pose for a picture at the 'Kick Ass' cast meet and greet fan event held at Hot Topic on April 12, 2010 in Hollywood, California.

Chloe Moretz pictures

Chloe Moretz pictures

Chloe Moretz pictures.Chloe Moretz was born February 10, 1997 in Atlanta, Georgia, United States.She is an American Actress. She attends the 'Kick-Ass' Cast Meet and Greet in Hollywood (Apr 12, 2010) with Beautiful Drees. Chloe Moretz, Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Aaron Johnson pose for a picture at the 'Kick Ass' cast meet and greet fan event held at Hot Topic on April 12, 2010 in Hollywood, California.

Nikki Reed photos

Nikki Reed photos

Nikki Reed photos

Nikki Reed photos.Check out this newly surfaced high quality promotional shot of Nikki Reed as Rosalie Hale during the birthday scene in New Moon.

Nikki Reed photos

Nikki Reed photos

Nikki Reed photos.Check out this newly surfaced high quality promotional shot of Nikki Reed as Rosalie Hale during the birthday scene in New Moon.

Hollywood Wigs and Weaves

Hollywood Wigs and Weaves

Hollywood Wigs and Weaves

Hollywood Wigs and Weaves.Check out pictures of some of the finest fake hair money can buy.OMG Cannes Film Festival is here! What do I really know about Cannes? Do I know what films are premiering? What the adjudication process is? How valuable a good Cannes reception is, anyway? I know absolutely nothing about any of these things! Why am I so excited about Cannes? Just look at all the famous people! Oh, the famous people. They're emerging from boats! They're defiantly killing thousands of birds for their latest ensemble! They are eating hors d'oeuvres from the taught, nude bodies of men named Sebastian who are really just trying to work their way through art school but wouldn't say no to giving John Travolta a $300 dollar hand job! $300 for a hand job?! YES! IT'S CANNES!

Hollywood Wigs and Weaves

Hollywood Wigs and Weaves

Hollywood Wigs and Weaves

Hollywood Wigs and Weaves

Hollywood Wigs and Weaves

Hollywood Wigs and Weaves

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Hollywood Wigs and Weaves